vark theory

Study tips

07 Aug 2023

Understanding the VARK theory: discovering your unique learning style

Discover your learning style with VARK Theory. Learn how to identify your preferred learning style to excel in online classes. At Melio we embrace diverse learning styles, providing an unparalleled online learning experience tailored to your unique needs.

by Rachel Timmins · 5 minutes

In the realm of education, understanding different learning styles has been a key focus for researchers and educators. One of the most prominent theories within psychology - the VARK model, developed by Neil Fleming in 1987, offers insights into four main types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinaesthetic. 

By unveiling your preferred learning style you can enhance your educational success, and make learning more efficient and rewarding. Outside the classroom, VARK learning styles can also be used to understand the behaviours of your friends and family, as well as explaining how to make more effective decisions. 

Read on as we delve into the four VARK learning styles, guide you in assessing your own learning style, and explore how you can leverage it to excel in online classes.

What are VARK learning styles?

Educators have long acknowledged that students possess unique learning styles, but it wasn't until the 1970s and 1980s that these styles were systematically recognised and understood. 

In 1987, educational theorist Neil Fleming introduced the VARK learning styles, which represent Visual, Aural, Read, and Kinaesthetic. These styles categorise the different ways in which individuals learn and process new information, based on their personal preferences.

What are the four types of learning styles?

1.Visual learners:

Visual learners process and retain information best through visual cues (seeing things). They benefit from visually appealing presentations and pay attention to detail and body language. Graphic displays, such as charts, illustrations, and diagrams, are effective learning tools for visual learners. They can also leverage animated videos, demonstrations, and colour-coded notes to enhance their learning experience.

2.Aural learners:

Aural learners excel at learning by hearing information. They are skilled at recalling conversations and tend to benefit from listening to lectures, podcasts, and audiobooks. Aural learners may find it helpful to read information aloud or transcribe handwritten notes into recordings. Studying in a quiet environment is crucial for them to concentrate and absorb information effectively.

3.Reading (and writing) learners:

Reading and writing learners comprehend new information best when it is presented as words and text. They thrive on reading textbooks, writing notes, and summarising information in their own words. These learners can excel by creating presentations, studying alone, and employing creative writing techniques. Distraction-free environments are conducive to their learning process.

4.Kinaesthetic learners:

Kinaesthetic learners grasp concepts through hands-on experiences and physical activities. They prefer a practical approach and enjoy manipulating objects to deepen their understanding. Incorporating movement and short study bursts keeps kinaesthetic learners engaged. Practical-based subjects, like art, design and technology, are particularly suited to their learning style. Conducting experiments, creating flashcards, and taking regular breaks are effective study methods for kinaesthetic learners.

Identifying your learning style

To determine your learning style, you can use the VARK self-report inventory. By answering a series of scenarios, you can identify your preferred approach to learning. Although you may resonate with more than one learning style, understanding your primary style will help you tailor your study methods accordingly.

Leveraging VARK for online learning

Online learning offers numerous advantages, including the flexibility to study at your own pace and schedule. Seize this opportunity to experiment with different study methods and determine which learning style suits you best.

If you suspect you are an auditory learner, consider asking your tutor to record webinars or lectures for you to revisit. On the other hand, if you lean towards visual learning, take your online class notes and transform them into concise diagrams and illustrations during your independent study time. Finding a balance between various learning styles can enhance your concentration, motivation, and overall effectiveness as a learner.

By adapting your study methods to your learning style, you will become a more effective learner, equipped with the tools and techniques that optimise your learning experience as you transition back to the physical classroom or continue studying remotely.

Melio Education: catering to different learning styles

At Melio, we recognise and have expertise to provide students with diverse learning styles and abilities. Our online courses feature small class sizes where students can engage in discussions and learn from their tutors through reading, writing, and auditory approaches. Additionally, we incorporate quizzes, mini-tests, and independent study assignments to accommodate kinaesthetic learners, allowing them to work on personalised projects demonstrating their acquired knowledge.

In our one-on-one tutorials, students have the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions with their tutors, providing an auditory learning experience through hour-long online sessions. These tutorials also involve independent assignments and projects tailored to your specific learning style, monitored by your tutor to ensure your understanding of the subject matter.


Understanding your learning style, as outlined by the VARK theory, is a crucial step toward optimising your learning potential. By tailoring your study methods to your unique style, you can make the most of your study time, boost your concentration, and achieve better results. In the era of online learning, harnessing your learning style becomes even more essential. At Melio Education, we embrace diverse learning styles, give comprehensive feedback and  provide an unparalleled online learning experience. Embark on your learning journey with Melio today and unlock your full potential. Contact our admissions team to learn more and get started.

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