
Study tips

11 Aug 2023

5 tips on how to write better essays

Unlock your essay writing potential by discovering six effective tips to enhance your essay writing skills and create exceptional academic pieces. Say no to essay writing services and embrace self-improvement. Join us on this journey to academic success!

by Rachel Timmins · 4 minutes

Writing can feel unnatural for some individuals, as our innate social nature often makes it challenging to express ourselves through written words. Unlike casual conversations, writing requires structure, referencing, and research, leading many students to struggle with essay writing.

Facing difficulties in crafting impressive essays, many students turn to internet resources for assistance, with some websites offering to write essays on their behalf. However, it is crucial to avoid such services, as they may compromise academic integrity.

Instead of seeking external help, it's essential to introspect and identify the specific barriers hindering one's essay writing. Common issues may include boredom, overwhelming topics, and the pressure of meeting deadlines. By understanding these blockers, it becomes easier to address them and enhance essay writing proficiency.

To support students on their essay writing journey, we have curated five tried and tested tips. By aligning these strategies with individual concerns, students will possess the necessary tools to improve their essay writing skills and produce exceptional academic pieces.

Tip #1 - Planning

Effective essay writing begins with careful planning and preparation. Before diving into the writing process, take the time to select the key points you want to include and outline the overall structure of your essay. Consider the journey you want to take your reader on throughout the piece.

A well-organised essay ensures that your ideas flow logically, and your arguments are thoroughly explained. Planning allows you to gauge whether you've met the marking criteria and included all essential aspects of your discussion. Understanding the essay question is vital to avoid the common mistake of not fully addressing it or missing relevant information.

The essay planning process may vary for each person, so find a method that suits your style. Here's an example to guide you:

  • Break down the assignment question: Understand the type of essay it requires (e.g., discuss, argue, describe) to develop your main ideas accordingly.

  • Brainstorm your thoughts: Identify your instincts and initial responses to the essay question. Review your class notes and lecture materials to gather relevant information and try and plan according to the expected word count. 

  • Conduct research: Utilise recommended reading materials to find key points that support your argument. Organise these points into a mind map or list.

  • Organise your points: Align your research with the essay question and consider how you'll present your evidence. Create a loose structure for your essay's arguments, ensuring you address counterarguments as well.

  • Decide on your main points: Summarise each researched point and arrange them in a cohesive flow. Ensure each paragraph builds upon your overall argument.

Remember, your essay plan should make sense to you and make the writing process more efficient. With a well-defined and strong essay plan, you'll find writing your essay becomes smoother and more effective.

Tip #2 - How to write an essay introduction

Now that we've learned how to structure an essay, let's focus on crafting an engaging introduction—the starting point that captivates your reader. An effective introduction typically consists of three essential parts.

  1. The general statement: Begin with an attention-grabbing opening that highlights the topic's importance and draws the reader into the heart of your essay question.

  2. The thesis statement: The most crucial element of your introduction, the thesis statement, presents your response to the essay question. It reveals the specific topic of your essay, which may include advantages and disadvantages, providing a brief overview of both sides.

  3. Outlining main points: The final part of the introduction outlines the arguments you'll be presenting in the body of the essay. A clear and coherent essay structure is crucial to maintain consistency and keep your reader on track throughout the essay.

To ensure you cover all three aspects of a strong introduction, consider using this checklist:

  • Does the introduction start with a compelling general statement that introduces the topic effectively?

  • Is the thesis statement clearly stated, providing an overview of your essay's specific topic and possible pros and cons?

  • Does the introduction outline the main points you'll be discussing in the body of the essay?

  • Is the structure of your introduction clear and well-organised, following a logical order?

By following this checklist, you can create an introduction that sets the stage for a cohesive and persuasive essay, capturing your reader's interest from the very beginning.

Tip #3 - Use creative writing to strengthen your essay

Did you know that you can employ creative writing techniques to enhance your essay? By breaking away from traditional academic forms and infusing creativity, you can make your essay truly unique and engaging, captivating your reader from start to finish.

Here are some techniques to boost your essay's impact:

  1. Consider your reader: Whether you're writing for school or university, keep in mind that your teacher or lecturer will evaluate numerous essays on the same topic. To stand out, be clear and concise in your response to the question, ensuring easy access to the information that helps you earn higher marks. Always refer back to the original question throughout the essay to maintain your reader's focus.

  2. Embrace the three-act structure: Commonly used in creative writing, films, and TV, the three-act structure lends a natural flow to your essay. Start with the set-up, establishing the topic and scene. In the introduction, present your opposition to the essay question, supporting it with evidence.

  3. Develop the confrontation: This section forms the bulk of your essay, where you introduce surrounding problems related to the topic. Develop your arguments and continually link them back to the original question, providing evidence throughout.

  4. Offer resolution: Summarise your arguments and express your viewpoint in this concluding section. Support your opinion with evidence, and address counterarguments by offering alternative explanations.

By applying this creative method, you'll stay focused, eliminate unnecessary content, and maintain a well-paced, natural flow in your essay. This approach ensures you cover all essential elements, leading to a more compelling and higher-graded essay.

Tip #4 - Broaden your reading horizons

When writing an essay for a university module, it's ideal to choose a subject you're passionate about. This enthusiasm will make the task enjoyable, enabling you to delve deeper into the topic you love and enhance your understanding.

However, if you find yourself unfamiliar with the subject, where do you begin your reading journey? 

Writing your first essay can be daunting, leaving you pondering, "Where do I start? How do I find relevant literature to shape my perspective and support my arguments?" Thankfully, modules in schools or universities typically provide extensive reading lists to kickstart your exploration. These lists encompass core reading materials, referred to by your teacher or tutor during lectures and seminars. 

Additionally, you'll find recommended reading that complements your core studies. While these lists are invaluable, don't limit yourself to them. Go above and beyond, as seeking further reading can make your essay stand out and offer better insights into your essay's subject.

To expand your sources, consider the following avenues:

  • Online book recommendations: Discover book recommendations on websites, expanding your choices and finding works relevant to your topic.

  • Explore bookstores: Check out the "people also bought" sections in bookstores, leading you to related texts that enrich your understanding.

  • Dive into journals: Peruse academic journals that delve into your subject, providing scholarly insights to support your arguments.

  • Join discussion forums: Engage with online discussion forums related to your essay's subject. Here, you'll find diverse perspectives and valuable opinions.

Once you have your reading list, how can you effectively start your reading process? Set clear reading goals before diving into the texts. Ask yourself what you aim to achieve through your reading, which will guide you in selecting the right literature to aid your research. Here are some tips to align your reading with your objectives:

  • For general interest: If you're reading for background information or lectures, cover the topic widely without delving into too much depth.

  • For essay writing: If you're reading to support your essay, focus on your essay question and explore specific aspects of the subject in greater detail. Always keep your essay question in mind to stay on track during your research.

By following these strategies, you'll broaden your knowledge, gather valuable insights, and build a stronger foundation for your essay, making it well-rounded and engaging for your readers.

Tip #5 - Two is better than one

Do you often struggle to study for extended periods? Do essay deadlines have a habit of sneaking up on you? Rest assured, you're not alone.

Maintaining focus and motivation for essay writing can be challenging, especially when the topic doesn't pique your interest. However, there's a helpful tool that many people tend to forget about: finding a study buddy. Whether it's a classmate from your lectures or seminars, or even someone studying a different module, having a study buddy can be surprisingly motivational.

Perhaps you believe that studying alone is more effective and convenient, as it allows you to work at your own pace without distractions. While this approach works for some, others find it hard to stay motivated and focused without some external encouragement.

Here's how a study buddy can be beneficial:

  • Mutual motivation: Working with a study buddy can provide continuous motivation. Even sitting together in the same room can serve as a gentle nudge to stay on track. You and your study buddy can set specific time frames to work on tasks and take breaks together, keeping each other accountable.

  • Collaborative effort: If your study buddy is taking the same course, you can collaborate and discuss your essay topics. Before meeting up, you can plan which section of the essay you'll work on and bring relevant materials to share ideas and insights. This collaborative approach can broaden your understanding and lead to new perspectives.

  • Support system: Having a study buddy means you have someone to turn to when you encounter challenges or have questions. Together, you can tackle difficulties and provide encouragement during stressful periods, such as approaching deadlines.

Finding the right study buddy doesn't mean you have to work at the exact same pace or have identical study habits. It's about finding someone whose presence motivates you and enhances your productivity. The dynamic between study buddies can vary, but the key is to maintain a positive and supportive partnership.


In conclusion, mastering the art of essay writing requires careful planning, engaging introductions, creative writing techniques, critical analysis, extensive reading, and the support of a study buddy. Writing may not come naturally to everyone, but with dedication and the implementation of these six tips, students can overcome challenges and become proficient essay writers. Remember to take the time to understand and address any blockers hindering your progress, as this self-awareness will lead to continuous improvement and academic success. By aligning these strategies with individual concerns, students will possess the necessary tools to improve their essay writing skills and produce exceptional academic pieces.

Still feeling stuck?

Melio's university preparation program is designed to equip students with the essential study and writing skills needed for academic success. Through our comprehensive program, students can receive support and guidance to overcome challenges in your essay writing and excel in their studies. Our expert tutors help students refine their essay planning, critical writing, and creative writing techniques, enabling them to craft exceptional academic pieces. At Melio, we prioritise self-improvement and academic integrity, empowering students to unlock their full potential and thrive in their educational endeavours. To learn more or get your space on our program, book a free consultation call today. 

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